In a dream you find yourself standing in the middle of an unfamiliar room. There are no windows, no decorations or furniture, just dull gray walls, a single fluorescent light fixture illuminating the drab surroundings and three doors on the wall facing you. You walk over to the doors and notice that the one on the left has no visible hinges, handle or knob. The door in the middle has a handle and a sign on it that reads “EXIT”. The door on the right has a handle as well and a sign on it that reads “ENTER”. You try the middle door but it appears to be locked as the handle doesn’t budge. What door do you try next...and why that one and not the other? Now create a short story about what you find and what happens on the other side of the door you chose to open. Post it here, I'd love to read it.
Now my own answer to this is that I choose the door without a handle, sign or hinges and here's the reason why. If no hinges are showing there's a good chance that the door opens from the other side and into this room, meaning both handle and hinges are on the other side. I'm curious and adventuresome so with no clearly marked sign to "tell me what to expect" I instinctively reach out to the unexpected. Could there be bad things on the other side? Could there be good things on the other side. Both answers are yes, but I've got an ace up my proverbial sleeve. You see this in MY story about MY DREAM! In short it can be anything I want it to be because I'm in control.
We often forget about this as we go through life only choosing the doors we're told to or that are clearly marked with what we expect. Yes, this may be safe, but it often lands us in a dull gray existence like the drab room I found myself in before I chose door number one! I encourage you to create a habit of always considering where your imagination will take you, not someone else's. - MDD
Now it's your turn. Write your feelings here and share them me. I'd love to read what you think!